Energy management
As the world is gradually recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, we experienced that “No man is an island entire of itself." which applies with great urgency to climate change. The world leaders, governments, policymakers and private sector started to focus on clean energy investments, green mobility, the transformation of all energy sources to sustainable ones.
At ETA Experts, we believe that a robust system is key for any potential improvement. We help you set your organization’s Energy Strategy, build a governed Energy Management System compliant with ISO 50001, raise Energy Efficiency (a low hanging fruit), reduce your carbon footprint and generate consistent & significant savings to support your business while protecting the environment.
The era of cheap energy is over!!
Access to energy is becoming more costly and environmentally damaging!!

What is an EnMS? “UNIDO Definition”
An Energy Management System (EnMS) is a framework for energy consumers including industrial, commercial and public sector organizations to manage their energy use. It helps companies identify opportunities to adapt and improve energy-saving technologies, including those that do not necessarily require high capital investment. In most cases, the successful implementation of an EnMS requires specialised expertise and staff training.
4 Basic Steps to Build your EnMS (Compliant with ISO50001)
1- Commit
2- Plan
3- Do
4- Improve
EnMS is built based on 6 key concepts:
1- Management Commitment with clear roles and
2- Identify Significant Energy Users (SEUs)
3- Agree on relevant Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs)
4- Generate Opportunities List ranked based on
organization’s priorities
5- Operational Control, continuous Monitoring &
6- Frequent reviews and reporting.
• Cost Reduction with almost zero investment
• Reduce GHG and Lower the Carbon Footprint
• Maintain and increase the lifetime of the Assets
• People Engagement
• Compliance with local and international regulations